contrail_api_cli_extra.misc package

General purpose commands.

contrail_api_cli_extra.misc.check_bad_refs module

class contrail_api_cli_extra.misc.check_bad_refs.CheckBadRefs(name)

Bases: contrail_api_cli_extra.utils.CheckCommand

Check for broken references.

The command will read all objects from the cassandra DB then for each object check that references exists in the API.

References includes refs, back refs, children, parents.

To run the command:

contrail-api-cli check-bad-refs –cassandra-servers db:9160 [uuids…]
class contrail_api_cli_extra.misc.check_bad_refs.PropertiesEncoder(skipkeys=False, ensure_ascii=True, check_circular=True, allow_nan=True, sort_keys=False, indent=None, separators=None, encoding='utf-8', default=None)

Bases: json.encoder.JSONEncoder


Return a JSON string representation of a Python data structure.

>>> JSONEncoder().encode({"foo": ["bar", "baz"]})
'{"foo": ["bar", "baz"]}' module


Bases: contrail_api_cli.command.Command

Command to create a dot file from a list of paths.

The command will automatically add to the graph the parent, refs and back_refs of the given resources:

contrail-api-cli dot path/to/res1 path/to/res2 -f /tmp/

-e option can be used to exclude resources from the graph.

contrail_api_cli_extra.misc.graph module

contrail_api_cli_extra.misc.manage_rt module

class contrail_api_cli_extra.misc.manage_rt.ManageRT(name)

Bases: contrail_api_cli.command.Command

Command to manage VN custom RTs

contrail_api_cli_extra.misc.rpf module

class contrail_api_cli_extra.misc.rpf.RPF(name)

Bases: contrail_api_cli_extra.utils.PathCommand

Simple command to enable or disable RPF (Reverse Path Forwarding) on a VN.

To check if RPF is enabled or not run:

contrail-api-cli rpf virtual-network/uuid

To enable of disable RPF add --on or --off options.

contrail_api_cli_extra.misc.vm module

class contrail_api_cli_extra.misc.vm.RescheduleVM(name)

Bases: contrail_api_cli_extra.utils.CheckCommand

Command to move a SI VMs from one virtual-router to other virtual-routers.

This command will move all SI VMs found on the provided VR to a list of VRs. The command will make sure two VMs of the same SI will not end up on the same VR.

The command can be run in dry-run mode to see how the VMs will be moved.

To reschedule VMs run:

contrail-api-cli reschedule-vm virtual-router/uuid1 virtual-router/uuid2 virtual-router/uuid3

This will move all VR/uuid1 SI VMs to VR/uuid2 and VR/uuid3 evenly.